Saturday 28 March 2009

The two eyed Brazilian idiot...

ok, the Brazilian Pres says that its all the fault of White people with blue eyes. ? Really so isn't that a tad racist ? Will Jaqui Smith - I dont know how she spells her name - allow him into the country ? Will she wrap his knuicles there ? I dont fucking think so.

Someone better tell the daft Brazilian fucker that - (1) white people dont all have blue eyes (2) not all white people are greedy fucking cunts. Plenty of poor white people I dare say even with blue eyes that have been fucked over by white people, black people and slanty eyed gangsters -even Brazilians - Ronnie Biggs ! Or even maybe Dr Menegele. You know the Angel of Death. I mean the Brazilians really fucked him over didnt they. Gave him a house and safe haven even after he'd murdered all those white people with blue eyes. Oh sorry that was a white person who was the very essence of evil and you lads put him up - sorry I got mixed up there.

Like in Africa where corruption is rife and the'd fuck each other over like they did in Rwanda. I suppose thats Bills fault - he had blue eyes I think. Ask Monica she might know.

No Mr D'SIlva. Its not the fault of white people per se - its the fault of greedy mindless fucking cunts and they come in all shapes sizes colors and bastardabilty. A few in Brazil even given the endless slums you folks got over there - you know that divide of poverty thing thats been going on for a bit. I suppose thats white people again.

Tell you what - why dont you just go an fuck yourself. That works for me.

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