Saturday 14 March 2009

Chinese Ganstas

just read an article on some fucking slanty eyed gangsta website - - Amnesia of European parliamentarians who meddle in China's internal affair.

The upshot being how Eurpoeans "have amnesia concerning the Dark Ages of medieval Europe"

So what they are saying is - look we can fuck, kill, mame, fuck over, kill, slaugther who the fuck we want because of Vlad the Impaler - remember him ? I mean its like listening to Radio Fucking Moscow... Why the hell do we deal with these fuckers.

Its like this

Dont buy anything from China - its all shit. All of it. Made by cheap chinese labour - these people need to rise up and be a nation not a large collection of pathetic laccies doing bidding for a bunch of commie gangsta wankers.

I went into a store last week. I wanted to buy a shirt made in Europe. I want to buy something from a place where business in my country can export freely. All I could buy was shit made in India or China. Well fuck it I'd rather be in rags or make my own fucking shirts. So I am.

If we dont do it folks then pretty soon our rights and freedoms will go the same way as the Chinese - down the pan. Do you really want to live in a caste society ? Do you really want a bunch of fucking Chinese gangsters exploiting you ? Well its going to happen.

Check the label - China or India - dont fucking buy it. You probably dont need to check the label its made there anyway.

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