Saturday 14 March 2009


You can fucking keep it.

I wont be going to see it. I wont by buying the DVD - which by all accounts is where it should be. What a load of utter bollocks.

What these fuckers need is a good solid dose of socialisim. They have fuck knows how many poor bastards shat on by their fucking wank caste system - literally - and what do they do ? Spend 50 Billion on a spaceship to take pictures of the fucking moon. With money from large corporates at the expense of British and American jobs. If the bastards had spent it on the poor then fair enough - but a fucking space ship ? Jesus fucking christ.

1. Dont buy anything made in India - its shit anyway
2. Dont tell them anything - Todays programmer - tomorrows architect

Once we can export more than our jobs and skills to India - then we can talk but until that point I see little reason to take a country like Britain and totally fuck it and all the hard working people in it and turn it into an imporverished nation while we allow India and China to become wealthy. f they become wealthy thats good but why should I have to give my job and my rights away for them ?

Well I fucking wont - not without a fight.

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