Saturday 2 May 2009

The Fat Shit Prescott

Just heard an interview on R4 today with ex Deputy Prime Minister John "2 Jags" Prescott. I'd like to start by saying - if you were that concerned about your Wife's hairdo John - why were you fucking the arse off your secretary ? Maybe because you are a worthless fat shit and she just wanted say that she fucked the Deputy PM of GB plc...

Anyway - not relevant.

He's suggesting Charlie Clarke - leave the party because he said he was ashamed to be a Labour MP. Prescott's diatribe - punctuated by well no punctuation - went on to say that they should be out campaigning about how good their record is etc.

I can sort of understand why Tone got him in - to represent the "Traditional Working Class" part of the party - but do working people really want to be represented by that illiterate, unintelligible,. morally corrupt, violent, fat worthless shit-thug ? Do you ? Does anyone ?

The Labour Party used to be interested in Working Class people - the exploited peoples of this nation - something of value. Now the Labour party dont give two fucks about anyone other than the elite of the party. We will doubltess be indebted to China and India as we gave them all our money and all our industry and all our skills - so that they can continue to exploit workers in unfathomable numbers. Why shouldnt Charlie Clarke be ashamed ? He fucking should be.

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