Friday 20 March 2009

Formula 1

I see there is some kind of chaos round the new F1 scoring system. It used to be quite interesting until that awful little farty Ecclestone and that preeminence of evil - Max Mosely got involved.

Britain used to have a manufacturing industry until it was destroyed by Soviet infiltrated unions in the 70's and then finally by a soviet-minded Labour party. Having an industry meant we could showcase our cars and technology in Formula 1 - now we leave that to the japs and the germans while shits like Ecclestone and Mosley get rich and people who used to make cars and stuff sell rubber dogs on a street corner and get attacked by underachieving young people who didnt fancy the idea of selling rubber dogs for a living.

Meanwhile in stockbroker land plenty of hedge fund fuckpigs creaming vast quantities of wealth for doing what William Hill does. I'm not really up for distribution of wealth but you can see why Marx had a point. I'd like to distribute their wealth.

Something got to be done.

But what ? I dont know. I dont think taking these dripping scumbags out and shooting them - Stalin style is not particularly helpful as you just end up with something like George Galloway and to be honest I'd rather have the hedge fund boys and the rubber dogs.

George Galloway is a cunt.

Is there no decency left in this disgusting world ?

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