Saturday 28 March 2009

The two eyed Brazilian idiot...

ok, the Brazilian Pres says that its all the fault of White people with blue eyes. ? Really so isn't that a tad racist ? Will Jaqui Smith - I dont know how she spells her name - allow him into the country ? Will she wrap his knuicles there ? I dont fucking think so.

Someone better tell the daft Brazilian fucker that - (1) white people dont all have blue eyes (2) not all white people are greedy fucking cunts. Plenty of poor white people I dare say even with blue eyes that have been fucked over by white people, black people and slanty eyed gangsters -even Brazilians - Ronnie Biggs ! Or even maybe Dr Menegele. You know the Angel of Death. I mean the Brazilians really fucked him over didnt they. Gave him a house and safe haven even after he'd murdered all those white people with blue eyes. Oh sorry that was a white person who was the very essence of evil and you lads put him up - sorry I got mixed up there.

Like in Africa where corruption is rife and the'd fuck each other over like they did in Rwanda. I suppose thats Bills fault - he had blue eyes I think. Ask Monica she might know.

No Mr D'SIlva. Its not the fault of white people per se - its the fault of greedy mindless fucking cunts and they come in all shapes sizes colors and bastardabilty. A few in Brazil even given the endless slums you folks got over there - you know that divide of poverty thing thats been going on for a bit. I suppose thats white people again.

Tell you what - why dont you just go an fuck yourself. That works for me.

Friday 20 March 2009

Formula 1

I see there is some kind of chaos round the new F1 scoring system. It used to be quite interesting until that awful little farty Ecclestone and that preeminence of evil - Max Mosely got involved.

Britain used to have a manufacturing industry until it was destroyed by Soviet infiltrated unions in the 70's and then finally by a soviet-minded Labour party. Having an industry meant we could showcase our cars and technology in Formula 1 - now we leave that to the japs and the germans while shits like Ecclestone and Mosley get rich and people who used to make cars and stuff sell rubber dogs on a street corner and get attacked by underachieving young people who didnt fancy the idea of selling rubber dogs for a living.

Meanwhile in stockbroker land plenty of hedge fund fuckpigs creaming vast quantities of wealth for doing what William Hill does. I'm not really up for distribution of wealth but you can see why Marx had a point. I'd like to distribute their wealth.

Something got to be done.

But what ? I dont know. I dont think taking these dripping scumbags out and shooting them - Stalin style is not particularly helpful as you just end up with something like George Galloway and to be honest I'd rather have the hedge fund boys and the rubber dogs.

George Galloway is a cunt.

Is there no decency left in this disgusting world ?

Saturday 14 March 2009

Northern Ireland / Ireland


Give it back - they're all fucking crazy.

Ignorance and Stupidity revered, Intelligence scorned

Gail Trimble - a symbol of intelligence and decency for Britain. What do the Sun do ? Ask her if she known the name of that worthless little fuck whore - Alfie something needle-dicked-fuck-witted-arse-wipe cunt ? She doesn't know that answer. So the Sun thinks she is Universally challenged because she has condescended not to read one of their brilliant Pulitzer winning journalistic scoops.

What a set of utter shits. Britain really is becoming a very unpleasant place to live. It requires a high pressure enema to flush out the compacted shit that's clogged up our once nice country.


You can fucking keep it.

I wont be going to see it. I wont by buying the DVD - which by all accounts is where it should be. What a load of utter bollocks.

What these fuckers need is a good solid dose of socialisim. They have fuck knows how many poor bastards shat on by their fucking wank caste system - literally - and what do they do ? Spend 50 Billion on a spaceship to take pictures of the fucking moon. With money from large corporates at the expense of British and American jobs. If the bastards had spent it on the poor then fair enough - but a fucking space ship ? Jesus fucking christ.

1. Dont buy anything made in India - its shit anyway
2. Dont tell them anything - Todays programmer - tomorrows architect

Once we can export more than our jobs and skills to India - then we can talk but until that point I see little reason to take a country like Britain and totally fuck it and all the hard working people in it and turn it into an imporverished nation while we allow India and China to become wealthy. f they become wealthy thats good but why should I have to give my job and my rights away for them ?

Well I fucking wont - not without a fight.

Chinese Ganstas

just read an article on some fucking slanty eyed gangsta website - - Amnesia of European parliamentarians who meddle in China's internal affair.

The upshot being how Eurpoeans "have amnesia concerning the Dark Ages of medieval Europe"

So what they are saying is - look we can fuck, kill, mame, fuck over, kill, slaugther who the fuck we want because of Vlad the Impaler - remember him ? I mean its like listening to Radio Fucking Moscow... Why the hell do we deal with these fuckers.

Its like this

Dont buy anything from China - its all shit. All of it. Made by cheap chinese labour - these people need to rise up and be a nation not a large collection of pathetic laccies doing bidding for a bunch of commie gangsta wankers.

I went into a store last week. I wanted to buy a shirt made in Europe. I want to buy something from a place where business in my country can export freely. All I could buy was shit made in India or China. Well fuck it I'd rather be in rags or make my own fucking shirts. So I am.

If we dont do it folks then pretty soon our rights and freedoms will go the same way as the Chinese - down the pan. Do you really want to live in a caste society ? Do you really want a bunch of fucking Chinese gangsters exploiting you ? Well its going to happen.

Check the label - China or India - dont fucking buy it. You probably dont need to check the label its made there anyway.